Deploy a Jekyll Site Using Git Hooks and Docker on localhost.


  • Docker and Docker Compose

To get started with Docker Community Edition follow the article,

Install Docker CE on Ubuntu and Debian

Server side

Dirctories needed for the project

Create the folders From home ~/

mkdir hooks                    # Hooks directory.
mkdir hooks/jekyll.git         # Git initialized bare repository for tracking.
mkdir repos                    # Cloned sourde code.
mkdir puclic                   # Public directory.
mkdir puclic/jekyll            # http://localhost:4000 Site location.

Change to jekyll.git hooks directory.

cd ~/hooks/jekyll.git

Initialize a new “bare repository” to track the deployment.

git init --bare

The post-receive hook to start producrion

git --work-tree=/home/jekyll/public/jekyll \         # Path to working directory,     
--git-dir=/home/jekyll/hooks/jekyll.git checkout -f  # Git directory 
cd ~/public/jekyll                                   # Changes to producrion location
docker-compose stop                                  # Stops the running container
docker-compose up -d                                 # Runs/re-starts the container

Client side

Clone the soure repository

git clone

Changing to the cloned repository from github.

cd jekyll

Add the deployment hook for the git initialized repository remote url.

git remote add localhost user@localhost:hooks/jekyll.git

  • Verify/Show git-remote url
git remote -v
droplet	user@localhost:hooks/jekyll.git (fetch)
droplet	user@localhost:hooks/jekyll.git (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Confirm read/write permision to the deployment repository(on localhost).

git remote show localhost
* remote droplet
  Fetch URL: user@localhost:hooks/jekyll.git
  Push  URL: user@localhost:hooks/jekyll.git
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branch:
    master tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    master merges with remote master
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master pushes to master (up-to-date)

Now we can push and pull from either remote urls.

Push to localhost to deploy.

git add .
git commit -m "pushing to deploy localhost"
git push -u localhost master	

# Successfull deployment will out put something similar 

remote: Deploying master branch to production...
remote: Stopping jekyll_jekyll_1 ... done
remote: Recreating jekyll_jekyll_1 ... done
remote: Starting jekyll ... done
remote: Successfully deployed master branch .
To localhost:hooks/jekyll.git
   4bcce5c..b7f6bf0  master -> master

Push to git hub

git add .
git commit -m "pushing to git hub"
git push -u origin master	

Geting started

Create posts, pages and drafts with jekyll-compose.

  1. bundle exec jekyll draft “New Post”

  2. bundle exec jekyll post “New Post”

  3. bundle exec jekyll page “New Post”